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Without the help of our donors The Africa Trust would be
unable to continue its life changing work across Africa.

The Africa Trust provided £25,000 to establish pipelines that now provide water to over 10,000 people in Tanzania.

The pipelines are designed by identifying a water source on high ground, the gravity fed system supplies water to a densely populated rural or peri-urban area. Communities gain access to the water through multiple stand pipes running along the main pipeline through the village.

The communities’ willingness to participate in installing the pipe helped significantly in reducing the installation costs. At one point over 1,000 members of the local community helped to dig the necessary trench to accommodate the piping, this has been a very successful project and we are looking to replicate this technology in Uganda.

Several Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) have been established. Groups are assisted with training so that they can save and lend money within the group. This helps enormously with funding for individuals to establish income generating projects.